Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ebay store closed

I had to close my ebay store. Everything has so slowed with the recession I was not able to keep it open. I will still sell on ebay and etsy and I currently still have my site as well. Everything has remained same, I just don't have the ebay store anymore. Contact me for customs or questions.

Thank you!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Returned today to post a picture of my kids at Disney in their outfits. This picture was taken by a Cast Member. I have not yet uploaded my camera pictures.

They both received MANY MANY compliments on their outfits from Cast Members to Guests. :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

I made these outfits for my kids for Christmas. These are Magical outfits so as not to infringe on the copyright of everyone's favorite mouse.

Myles looks absolutely handsome.

We are going to visit Disney over Holiday Break.

Kate looks so delicious in her outfit. Miss Ericka of The Fun Fairy Boutique made her socks. They have Silhouette Miss Mouse on the sides. The Shoes are from

Thursday, December 25, 2008


So I've been very busy. Things are settling down now and can start projects anew. :) I had oodles of sewing to do for orders and presents and I've been sick with a bad cold for over a week now. I'm getting there but things are kind of slow bouncing back.

The kids had a fun Christmas today and have enjoyed their new things very much. I'm not sure what is Myles's favorite if he has one. He moved easily from one thing to another to try them all out. :) Kate, well she's easy. It's definitely her new Cabbage babies and her new Pet Shop toys. We gave her this Pet condo kinda thing that sits on her dresser and she loves to take them all out, line them up by animal type, and then put them all back in. lol She took one of her Cabbage babies to bed with her - the hard all plastic one that drinks and wets. Hmm, okay.

Both kids wore their lounge sets to bed tonight. I hope they look okay in the AM as I am planning on setting up the kits and taking pictures of them in the things I made them. Otherwise, will need to iron I think. ;)

I had a LONG visit with Mom online and later she sent me pictures of the snow they have received - they live in western Washington state and the pictures look like something out of, oh I dunno, Minnesota?? Deep Canada maybe?? A couple feet of snow EASY, icicles that could poke you in the head they are so long! I'll see if I can get the pictures online to post. I was AMAZED! They have never had snow that bad there before!! The kids would have a ball with it but being up on the hill where my parents live it's dangerous driving down the hill to work or say civilization?? Mom said something about having bags packed for emergency evacuation in case the roof caves in - WHAT?? Oh I so hope that doesn't happen!!

Other news, Myles is a Webelos 1 boy scout. 4th grade. :) For one of their community service projects they picked up toys collected from our dance studio (they collect toys at the holiday performances) and delivered them to CHOC hospital to benefit the children being treated there. CHOC is Children's Hospital of Orange County. They boys sorted the toys out and then delivered them the 23rd. yes a bit late for Christmas but the hospital gives toys for birthdays, graduations, hospital events and uses them in their playrooms so we didn't miss anything really. Perhaps next time they can try a food service at one of the local food banks or missions.

Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you for reading!