Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Catching up on work

So yes I have been very busy over here. What with seasonal goings on, field trip with the First Grade, sewing sewing sewing orders. Am working on the next collection as well. No pictures yet of course, it's too early. lol I did finish and ship an order yesterday though and i LOVE LOVE how they came out. You're going to love them! Nope, no pictures. I need them modeled by the receivers kids first. ;) BUT I have to say that besides the next collection... and February's collection, I have in the works a holiday themed outfit. I know I don't do many specific holiday outfits but the plan for this one just makes me swoon! You're going to have to check back to see what it is. Kate will model it for me. :D

In other news, we went to my SIL's holiday party on Saturday. Played the elephant game. Everyone had a number and picked a gift in order then opened it. Next number could either take the previous gift(s) or pick a new one. Kate ended up with a Gingerbread house kit! We haven't made it yet BUT it looks like fun!! Myles ended up with an Annalee Santa. I know I know, we don't do Santa here but this is an Annalee!! So he's standing next to the Annalee Mrs. Claus Kate received when she was 3 and the wee Annalee elf Kate received last year at the party playing the same game. I have a picture around here somewhere..... Will post back with it. Dh traded his nephew cash for a movie theater gift card. Me - I received a can of Honey Roasted Peanuts. lol I should have taken the hot chocolate tower. ah well. It was fun. :)

Still some shopping to do here. not much. Mostly sewing and cleaning. With all these orders I was working on in the last week my house is kind of a mess. and most of it is my stuff. fabric, patterns, shipping receipts, etc. A project I can't actually wait to get to is cleaning. lol