Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recent modeling

Kate has modeled recently for ebay's boutique designer BklynDoll. She created this fully lined top and capri's for the CCuties Ol' Time Summer launch that begins on March 19. Her adorable socks were created by Ericka of the*fun*fairy*boutique on ebay.

For the same launch, I created this beautiful 3 piece portrait set. It's modeled by the adorable Alia of Maddiesbowtique on ebay.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New items and activity

Yes it has been a while since I last blog. Many things have gone on here including colds, storms, a broken tooth I had to have fixed (root canal - ACK!) family activities. I have been working though. This harlequin fabric I bought from another designer. LOVE this. Looks Valentine-ish but I didn't make it just for Valentine's Day. Bows to coordinate. Miss Ericka made the socks. And it twirls.

Then I had a couple launches come up. This one set, I made and am totally in LOVE with. The sunflower set. The bows were listed separately from the outfit and do they not look perfect on Missy K's head? I am going to dress her up one day and we are going out to welcome Spring! The outfit I made as a 4 piece custom offering, which is up right now on ebay. It includes the dress, capri's, tote and tie. View the auction here

And I have more projects!! Outfits and bows planned and in process right now. How many things can I work on "at the same time". Well LOTS! Secrets on those just now, until they are done.