Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So I decided to finally post to my blog.  I have been quite busy lately with orders and family activities and the kids just keep me busy.  School is back in full swing and it's already time for parent/teacher conferences!  SO much going on.  

Myles is supposed to get his appliance for his mouth on Thursday.  WOW.  A week late but if it's put in, this is a good thing.  He's getting a palatal expander which will widen the upper part of his mouth.  It will stretch across the roof of this mouth, helping to make room for his teeth.  Sad thing is - his scout troop (and my dh) will be going on a Camp Out this weekend.  :(  So he will either be sore or will have a hard time eating because he will be limited to what foods.  Hopefully I am worrying full tilt for nothing.  

Kate is quite upset she can't go so I told her that she and Mommy will get out the indoor tent (wonderful Ikea purchase) and camp out in the living room ourselves friday night while the "boys" are gone.  She has tumbling and dance on Saturday so it won't be a real late night for her, but we can try it and see what happens.  Who knows, I may actually get some sleep.  lol

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